Main Office Office No 111, Devkaran Dharmshala, Kath Mandi, Railway Road, Bahadurgarh- 124507 (Delhi-NCR)

Portal Benefits

Social Help

सामाजिक सहायता का सुनहरा अवसर

Charity with Income

समाज सेवा के साथ सुनियोजित रूपये 5 लाख + की आय !

Matrimonial Help

बहन बेटियो की शादी में रूपये 2 लाख की आर्थिक सहायता

Pension Plan/ Maturity Claim

अगले 30 वर्षो तक रूपये 1500 प्रतिमाह अधिकतम की पेंशन सुविधा / रूपये 5 लाख की परिपक्कता दावा

Scholarship Support

रूपये 1.50 लाख तक की छात्रवृत्ति की सुविधा

Medical Emergency

मेडिकल इमरजेंसी में रूपये 1 लाख तक की आर्थिक सहायता

Insurance Facility

5 लाख तक की बीमा सुविधा

Unlimited Income

असीमित आय का सुनहरा अवसर

Passive Income Opportunity

बिना लागत अनुपूरक आय का सुनहरा अवसर

Special Rewards

राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर सम्मानित होने का सुनहरा अवसर

Financial Freedom

आर्थिक आजादी अभियान

Special Discounts

स्थानीय प्रतिष्ठानों पर खरीदारी में विशेष छूट

Loan Facility

रूपये 2 लाख की लोन सुविधा

Bonus Facility

प्रत्येक पदोन्नति पर बोनस की सुविधा

& Other Benefits

समाज सेवा के साथ अपनी खुद की पहचान बनाने का सुनहरा अवसर

Promotion Categories with Bonus Applicable

Level Role Benefits/Rewards Applicable with NGO
Ist Volunteer ______
IInd ChangeMaker ChangeMaker HUB Platform Access (Reward System)
IIIrd ImpactBuilder ID Card + T-Shirt + CAP + Memento/Shield/Medal
IVth CauseAdvocate Insurance Facility
Vth Mission Leader Medical Emergency Help
VIth Community Champion Laptop Gift + Friendly LOAN Facility
VIIth Visionary Partner Maturity Claim/Pension Facility/Matrimonial Help/ Scholarship Facility/other Remaining Facilities
*All the facilities/Benefits/Rewards (except Level 2nd , 3rd, 4th & Laptop Gift on 6th Level) mentioned above will be provided by the concerned NGO being served by Donor/Volunteer.

Benefits to NGOs

1. Increased Funding:
Access to a continuous stream of micro-donations from a broad donor base, enhancing overall funding
2. Wider Reach:
Leverage the power of social networks through donor referrals to reach new supporters and raise awareness for their causes.
3. Cost-Effective Fundraising:
Lower fundraising costs compared to traditional methods, as the platform handles donation processing and outreach.
4. Donor Engagement:
Foster stronger relationships with donors by providing a transparent, engaging, and rewarding donation experience.
5. Scalable Impact:
Ability to scale fundraising efforts quickly through the viral nature of peer-to-peer referrals.
6. Real-Time Tracking:
Access to real-time data and analytics on donation patterns, donor demographics, and campaign performance.
7. Enhanced Credibility:
Building trust and credibility through a reputable platform that ensures transparency and accountability.
8. Community Building:
Develop a community of engaged supporters who are motivated to contribute and advocate for the NGO's cause.
9. Recognition and Support:
Highlight top donors and referral champions, creating a sense of accomplishment and loyalty among supporters.
10. Resource Optimization:
Focus resources on program development and impact rather than on intensive fundraising efforts.
11. LOAN Facility:
Every NGO, who's Donor Member achieve the Maturity Claim, will be eligible for a Friendly Loan Facility up to Rs. 5 Lakh/Achievement.